Fish's Introduction To Lucky

I find this song quite ironic really, because it was written in 1990, when my life and career was going through probably one of the roughest patches that it had ever been through. We had a litigation going on with EMI records, my wife was pregnant, we were building a studio in the middle of a recession, things were not looking good. But I think the one thing that kept me going was that determination to survive against all the odds. I always remember when I got my palm read by this little Iranian guy in Galashiels, way back in 1980. He said that luck will be one of the strongest points you will ever have in your life. And at that time, I was just feeling that it had all gone. At the same time, I knew that I still had the opportunities, and as long as I kept my head to the stone, things were going to change around. So I think that Lucky is more of a scream against the world than anything else. It's my little rocky anthem in a way. I had to redo this, as I always felt that the original version that we did back in the Internal Exile period, it was just a little bit slow, and with it becoming such a live stalwart as it has done over the years, I really wanted to put a more fused energy version of this song together, and here it is. Lucky, I am.